Images and colour/backgrounds will make your presentation more visually appealing; lots of text becomes uninteresting to the eye.
- The PowerPoint slides can be used to précis your presentation; pinpointing the key issues/points.
- Use of bullets and clear lines between points will reinforce them to the audience.
- Use an easy to read font such as Arial.
- Try not to use different fonts on one slide.
- Use the bold and underline features to highlight important information.
- Keep the slides uniform.
- Ensure that headlines are clear and are in a larger font, we suggest 35-40 point and bolded.
- Other text should be approximately 24 point.
- Use the whole slide to make the information as large and as clear as possible.
- Use contrasting text and background colours so that vital information is not hidden or hard to read.
Copies of PowerPoint Presentations should be sent to the conference secretariat by 3 May 2024 or are required at the conference registration desk on Monday 13 May 2024. If the file is lager that you can email then please compress the images in your PowerPoint to reduce the size. For assistance with how to compress images in PowerPoint (versions 2003, 2007 & 2010) refer to these instructions.
Ensure you bring a copy of your PowerPoint with you to the conference even if you have sent it in advance.
If the file is still too large to email please use a file free file transfer site such as WeTransfer.